Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ethics - Professionalism and Governance Employees

Question: Discuss about the Ethics, Professionalism and Governance for Employees. Answer: Case Study Analysis From the above case study, it has been analyzed that professional work environment is a kind of workplace which is full of accountable employees, respectful, full of high competent. Leaders in the professional workplace is working towards achieving the common goal of the organization. legal issues and Ethical professional is the key problems at Pico PCs Manufacturing Company. The three values which relate to the case study are- The Enhancement of quality of life (Acs.org.au. 2017) Honesty (Acs.org.au. 2017) Professionalism (Acs.org.au. 2017) It is to be noted that the head leader of Pico PCs Manufacturing Company compromised the health of the employees at workplace. According to the head leader, comprising health of employees can help in achieving successful business including improved profits (Popovski 2016). the CEO of the company is trying to get more work from the workers of the island without providing them proper wages. The clauses which relate to the case study are the primacy of the public interest, the enhancement of quality of life, Honesty, Competence, Professionalism. The legislation which can be applied to the scenario is the Enhancement of Quality of Life which states that You will strive to enhance the quality of life of those affected by your work (Acs.org.au. 2017). The method that is suggested by the CEO of the company causes violation to various values according to the ACS. The CEO has suggested ways to get the work from the workers from the island. The workers are not getting proper wage and are unaware of the fact that working on that project may be fatal for their eyes. Thus, the decision took by the CEO is not appropriate and it should be advanced (Bauchner, Fontanarosa and Thompson, 2015). If the work is performed accordingly, many workers may lose their eyesight. In todays industries, ethical conflicts are one of the most communal problem (Argyriades and Kim 2016). Therefore, Pico PCs Manufacturing Company is also facing the same issues. However, many best practices such as by supporting a code of ethics, creating an environment where employees can speak up, offering ongoing education, etc can help the Pico PCs Manufacturing Company in addressing these issues. The company must to follow all the rules and regulations set by ACS for the work- this can be beneficial for the company as well as the workers. The company will not have to face any dispute and the workers will get better experience at work. References Acs.org.au. (2017). [online] Available at:https://www.acs.org.au/content/dam/acs/rules-and-regulations/Code-of-Professional-Conduct_v2.1.pdf[Accessed 13 Apr. 2017]. Argyriades, D. and Kim, P.S., 2016. The" market model" failure of governance and the case of Greece. International Journal of Civil Service Reform and Practice, 1(1). Bauchner, H., Fontanarosa, P.B. and Thompson, A.E., 2015. Professionalism, governance, and self-regulation of medicine. Jama, 313(18), pp.1831-1836. Popovski, V., 2016. International rule of law and professional ethics. Routledge.

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